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AI Empowering Youth Bootcamp

Boosting Digital Presence with Cutting-Edge AI Tools

Transform your online presence and business growth with AI

June 20, 2024

What is the AI Bootcamp?

The "AI Bootcamp - AI Empowering Youth" is a national AI project initated by London-based AI expert Arta Statovci, and led in partnership with the German government represented by GiZ and the Ministry of Labour, Transfer, and Finance of the Republic of Kosovo. This program, the first of its kind worldwide, aims to equip youth from underserved communities with essential skills to excel in the AI era, integrating expertise in AI technology, AI entrepreneurship, and remote AI-driven business. By teaming up with top companies and experts from Silicon Valley, London, and Singapore—such as IBM, Bolt Insight, Simplified AI, Numarics, Artisse AI, and us at Blackcube—the AI bootcamp aimed to break down barriers. The goal was to empower participants from underserved communities, regardless of location, socioeconomic status, gender, culture, or any other factor, to launch thriving AI careers, build a strong online presence, and deploy high-value, six to seven-figure AI projects that make a global impact.

BlackCube & Artisse AI at the AI Bootcamp

Elevating Digital Presence with AI

During the AI bootcamp, Andrea Marchiotto, founder of BlackCube Labs, co-hosted a webinar titled "Elevate Your Digital Presence with AI" alongside Aditya Nair, Head of Product at Artisse AI.

Why did we talk about building digital presence in the AI bootcamp?

While the AI founder anticipated that participants would primarily be challenged by the technical aspects of building AI projects, a surprising discovery emerged: the number one obstacle cited by participants in confidently launching an AI project or career turned out to be the lack of a unique product and a personal brand that could stand out internationally and attract high-paying clients, investors, and consumers.

To address this challenge, BlackCube Labs and Artisse teamed up to deliver a session on crafting a powerful product and personal brand including:

  1. The 'Why & How' digital presence plays in getting funding, clients, customers, and investors on board
  2. 360-degree digital strategy powered by AI to build a powerful product and personal brand
  3. Actionable AI monetization tips such as AI-video content creation, influencer marketing, affiliate marketing, and more

Impressive results

Before and after the AI workshop

PRIOR to the AI Bootcamp training, participants digital presence was limited:

  • Only 20% had business profiles on LinkedIn
  • Less than 5% posted on LinkedIn platform (at least 1x post/month)
  • Just 1% had profile photos and cover images, accompanied by bios and business portfolios to attract customers, consumers, investors
  • Participants' LinkedIn profiles were inactive - averaging less than 30 views and interactions, and failing to generate any business opportunities

The transformation AFTER the AI Digital Presence workshop was profound.

  • 100% of participants had opened business profiles on LinkedIn with the first LinkedIn post, highlighting their AI project developed during the bootcamp
  • 90% updated their profiles with professional photos, bios, and links to developed AI projects, significantly enhancing their online presence
  • Average weekly insights: 1,000+ unique views, 3,500+ impressions, and an 8,000%+ growth, with a minimum of 3+ business opportunities (jobs, projects).

Unique AI products and personal branding have set the stage for real-world AI testing with Bolt Insight, the world's 1st AI qualitative research company. The results? 100% of AI projects from the bootcamp have garnered interest from consumers, clients, and investors willing to pay or invest 6-7 figures for their solutions.

Why a strong digital presence is key

Having a strong digital presence is a key factor in achieving professional success. It boosts credibility, highlights expertise, and establishes authority in your field. Here are some important reasons why building a solid online profile is essential:

Visibility is a major benefit. Investors often conduct online research before deciding to engage, making a strong digital presence crucial.

It also demonstrates capability. Investors want to see not only great ideas but also the talented individuals behind them.

Lastly, networking opportunities abound. Regular interaction on LinkedIn and other platforms can lead to valuable mentorship opportunities and even direct investments.

Spotlight on Artisse: revolutionizing digital photography

Artisse AI: Your AI Photography Studio

Artisse has been a key partner in the initiative. The fastest growing startup in Asia is transforming the landscape of digital photography with its innovative AI solutions. Leveraging cutting-edge technology, Artisse offers a unique platform that allows users to create high-quality, professional-looking images effortlessly. Among its characteristics:

  • Effortless photoshoots: it enables users to generate stunning visuals without the need for expensive equipment or professional photographers. This tool makes it easy to produce polished, high-quality images that can enhance any digital presence.
  • Tailored branding: one of the standout features of Artisse is its ability to personalize visual content. Users can create images that reflect their unique brand identity, helping them stand out in a crowded digital landscape.
  • Cost-effective solution: it provides a cost-effective alternative to traditional photography. By harnessing AI, users can produce professional-grade photos quickly and efficiently, saving both time and money.
  • Artisse B2B offering: beyond individual use, Artisse also offers robust solutions for businesses. It supports influencers and brands by providing tools to create engaging visual content that resonates with their audience.

During the bootcamp, participants had the opportunity to explore Artisse AI and see firsthand how it can elevate their digital marketing efforts. By integrating Artisse into their strategies, they can significantly enhance their visual content, making their online presence more compelling and professional.

A success story: the impact of AI empowering youth

The "AI Empowering Youth" initiative is already making a tangible difference for young entrepreneurs in Kosovo. By offering comprehensive AI training and resources, the program equips participants with the skills needed to tackle unemployment and secure a bright future.

The participants shared their transformation experience, saying:

"The AI Bootcamp has transformed my approach to entrepreneurship. I now have the tools and knowledge to build a strong digital presence and leverage AI to drive my startup's growth."

Arta Statovci, AI Bootcamp Founder, said:

"From the outset, BlackCube and Artisse recognized the powerful mission of the AI bootcamp. Beyond the mind-blowing results, I've witnessed a significant shift in candidates' attitudes, mindsets, and confidence."

From GiZ & The Republic of Kosovo government, the Deputy Minister of Ministry of Finance, Labor and Transfers at Republic of Kosova Mr. Agon Dobruna:

"The closing ceremony today in Pristina to honour the achievements of our young people, who successfully completed Al Empowering Youth through Artificial Intelligence training supported by GIZ, as a serious MFPT partner. The results we hear today are a key that opens new doors and great opportunities for their future. For our country, investing in young people's skills is essential for a sustainable and successful future. Youth trained in Artificial Intelligence will be the key force behind a new and innovative economy, contributing to economic growth and social development. This is an investment that will bring great benefits to all of us."

These testimonials highlights the program's effectiveness in not only teaching valuable skills but also in boosting confidence, something so important that the new generations sometimes lacks, and enabling young entrepreneurs to take their businesses to the next level.

Work with us. Join the community

At BlackCube Labs, we help creators, entrepreneurs, and businesses explore new frontiers in human-AI collaboration through innovative applications and strategic tech partnerships. By becoming a member (registration is free for the basic tier), you gain access to the presentation for this case study and much more: exclusive AI tools, valuable resources, and a vibrant community of like-minded individuals. Together, we can harness the power of AI to elevate your business.